Actor Neha Dhupia recently gave her fans a scare when she fainted on Roadies XX sets. The actor had been juggling a packed schedule, traveling across cities and small towns for the Roadies auditions.
The incident, which was featured in a promo, saw Neha feeling dizzy and fainting on the sets. However, the actor has reassured everyone that she is fit, fine, and ready to continue her journey as a leader on the show.
Speaking about the incident, Neha shared, “It was a minor health scare, but I’m back on my feet, motivated, and enthusiastic as ever. Roadies have always been about pushing limits, and this journey inspires me to
overcome every hurdle. Nothing is going to stop me.”
A source from the production added, “Neha’s dedication is truly remarkable. Despite her hectic schedule and health challenges, she actively fulfilled her duties as a leader and gave her all to the auditions. From bustling cities to remote small towns, she was completely invested in finding the best talent for the show.”
The stunt-based reality show MTV Roadies: Double Cross is hosted by Rannvijay Singha. The previous season was hosted by Sonu Sood. It also features actor Neha Dhupia as a gang leader.
Roadies XX, which premiered on MTV on January 11.