After tying the knot in a fairytale ceremony, Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan visited the Tirupati Lord Venkateswara temple in Andhra Pradesh. They were there to seek blessings from the deity for their newly married life. However, their visit got them caught in a controvers. The couple was served with a legal notice for walking in footwear inside the temple and doing photoshoots. However, Shivan has now issued a statement apologising for the same. The couple got married on June 9 at Sheraton Park in Mahabalipuram. Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan have been dating for nearly seven years.

In the photos and videos that went viral on the internet, Nayanthara was seen walking in the Tirupati temple with her footwear on.

According to the Chief Vigilance Security Officer of Tirumala Tirupati Desvasthanam Board Narasimha Kishore, wearing sandals inside the temple's premises is strictly prohibited. He said, "She (Nayanatara) was seen roaming with footwear in Mada Streets. Our security immediately reacted. We have even noticed that they did a photo shoot inside the temple's premises, which is again prohibited. Private cameras are not allowed inside the Holy Shrine".

Informing that they will soon serve a legal notice to the actor, he added, "We are serving notices to Nayanatara. We have also spoken to her and she wanted to release a video to the press apologising to Lord Balaji, TTD, and pilgrims. However, we are going to serve notices to her."
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