Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani had a dreamy wedding in Jaisalmer’s Suryagarh Palace. The couple tied the knot in the presence of their families and their friends. But, the celebrations are far from being over. They are all set to host two receptions- one at Sidharth’s city, Delhi, and another in Mumbai. Now, we have details about their Delhi reception.

We have learnt that Sidharth and Kiara, who are now officially married, will be flying directly to Delhi from Jaisalmer. The couple will take a private jet and go straight to Sidharth’s residence in Delhi’s capital city. They will be leaving Jaisalmer for Delhi tomorrow, February 8, on a private jet.

The coupler will host a reception there on February 9. On Feb 10, the couple will be back to Mumbai.

The newlyweds are all set to hold a grand reception in Mumbai on Feb 12. They will invite their industry colleagues for this, as well as the media. A source had earlier informed IndiaToday.in, “Sid and Kiara will most likely host their Mumbai reception on 12th of February. Not just that, they will be inviting the media to attend the reception as guests, like Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas and Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh did. They really want to celebrate the joyous milestone in their life with everyone, including the media, who has supported their journey.”
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