In the Pushpa: The Rising movie starring Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna, Samantha Ruth Prabhu dazzled everyone with her sensual dance number, "Oo Antava," which has been a success across India. Meanwhile, recent reports claim that Samantha has been approached by director Sukumar for yet another special song in the sequel, Pushpa 2. However, even after receiving an immense, love-filled response to the song, Samantha has reportedly declined the offer.

Allu Arjun, the lead actor of Pushpa, has individually tried to persuade Samantha to accept the offer for the sequel. The creators are "working hard" to convince her while also searching to sign some major celebrity for this unique tune. So far, Nora Fatehi's name has been around the talks. Sukumar even developed a minor Samantha character and related it to the plot, which is another element of


Even before the movie was released, the song gained popularity. Both crowds and journalists praised Samantha's dazzling dance moves during the song. Samantha charged Rs. 3 crore for the 3-minute song.

During the interaction with the media at the Critics' Choice Awards, Samantha expressed her joy for the level of appreciation "Oo Antava" received.  The actress said, "I find it difficult to put into words the type of affection people are showing me." I didn't anticipate ‘Oo Antava’ to be such a success all across India.

The Rangasthalam actress further added, "Not just Telugu audiences, people throughout the country have forgotten the other movies I have done, but they recognise me for "Oo Antava" today."

Currently, Samantha is preparing for the film "Citadel," which stars Varun Dhawan in the lead role.
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