Akshay Kumar on Monday confirmed the release date of his upcoming film OMG 2 and informed fans that it will hit the screens on the scheduled date. OMG 2 was slated to release in cinemas on August 11 but the film was recently sent to Censor Board's review committee. Speculations about its release date being changed were doing rounds after the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) put the film on hold. Now, the actor has put all the rumours to rest and shared a post on his social media accounts informing about the release of a new song titled Oonchi Oonchi Waadi along with the original release


The post features Pankaj Tripathi, another lead of the film, who is seen hailing Lord Shiva while standing on his scooter. In the caption, Akshay wrote, ''#OonchiOonchiWaadi में बसते हैं भोले शंकर Song out tomorrow! #OMG2 in theatres on August 11.''

However, a section of netizens were still not happy with the release of the upcoming flick and commented against the film. One user wrote, ''Aksay Kumar ka fen hu but hindutav ka abki bar majak bana to bura bycott aksay.'' ''Akshay sir iss movie me Sanatani dhram ka majak nahi chiye,'' wrote another.
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