Akshay Kumar's next 'Prithviraj' that was scheduled to release on January 21 has been postponed due to Omicron and the steep rise in Covid cases in India. A source said: "When you have a sure shot blockbuster at hand that will appeal to audiences across the country, you can't gamble with such a huge product. 'Prithviraj' will massively aid in bringing people back to the theaters and it can't be released at a time when it won't fulfil this purpose. Business wise too it doesn't make sense to compromise a film that will rake in the moolah at the

box office.

"It's a no-brainer to postpone the film and gauge Omicron and the Covid-19 scenario before taking a call on the next release date of the film."

"YRF was waiting till the last minute to see if the situation in India and overseas improves but the pace with which coronavirus cases are accelerating, it forced their hand to hold on to the biggest title."

'Prithviraj', directed by Chandraprakash Dwivedi, will also mark the debut of former Miss World Manushi Chhillar.
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