Guneet Monga's Anuja has been nominated in the Live Action Short Film for Oscars 2025. Directed by Adam J Graves and produced by Suchitra Mattai, Anuja tells the story of a nine-year-old girl working in a back-alley garment factory alongside her older sister, Palak. The film explores her journey as she confronts a life-altering decision that could shape her family's future.
The film, which won the Live Action Short award at the 2024 HollyShorts Film Festival, has Priyanka Chopra as the executive producer.
Anuja was created in partnership with the Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT), a nonprofit founded by Mira Nair’s family to support street and working children. The film is also backed by Shine Global, the
production house behind the Academy Award-winning films War/Dance (2007) and Inocente (2012), as well as Krushan Naik Films. Among its producers are Mindy Kaling and Oscar-winner Guneet Monga Kapoor.
Adam J Graves described the film as “a heartfelt tribute to the resilience and untold stories of working children,” and praised the collaboration with NGOs like the Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation and Save the Children for enriching its message.
Produced by Graves Films, Shine Global Inc, and Krushan Naik Films, Anuja combines a compelling narrative, powerful performances, and social impact, promising to resonate with viewers globally. The short film is currently streaming on Netflix.