On the Birth Anniversary of India’s former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the makers of his biopic 'Main Atal Hoon' unveiled the first look of Pankaj Tripathi from the film. On Sunday, the actor took to his social media and shared a video in which he can be seen giving a glimpse of his character. In the caption, Pankaj Tripathi penned down a few lines by Pandit Dhirendra tripathi, which reads, "Na main kahin dagmagaya, na main kahin sar jhukaya, main atal hoon." 

‘Main ATAL Hoon’ revolves around the journey of our multifaceted ex-Prime Minister who was also a poet, a statesman, a leader and a humanitarian. Ever since makers announced that Pankaj Tripathi will be essaying the role of Atal Ji in his biopic, audiences were waiting with bated breath to see Pankaj Tripathi in the avatar of our ex-Prime Minister. Soon after his first look was dropped, several of Pankaj Tripathi’s colleagues and fans took to the comment section and expressed excitement.

Dhvani Bhanushali dropped folded hands emoji. "Can’t wait for this," said a fan. "Eagerly waiting," another wrote.

Speaking about stepping in the shoes of former PM, Pankaj Tripathi had said in a statement, "It's my honour to portray such a humane politician on screen. He was not just a politician but so much more, he was an excellent writer and a renowned poet. Getting to be in his shoes is nothing but a privilege for an actor like me."

Helmed by National Award winning Director, Ravi Jadhav and written by Utkarsh Naithani, the film will release in December 2023. The music for the film will be composed by Salim-Sulaiman with lyrics by Sameer, while Sonu Nigam has rendered vocals for the motion video announcement.
‘Main ATAL Hoon’ presented by Bhanushali Studios Limited and Legend Studios, is produced by Vinod Bhanushali, Sandeep Singh, Sam Khan & Kamlesh Bhanushali and co-produced by Zeeshan Ahmad and Shivv Sharma.
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