Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan is enjoying a dreamy run at the Box Office. The film which opened to a thunderous response on January 25, has emerged as a blockbuster. The brutal battle that SRK's character Pathaan has with John Abraham's, the anti-hero Jim in Dubai was possible because the entire Burj Khalifa boulevard was shut down for the first time ever for any film in the world.

Director Sidharth Anand has revealed that a popular location in Dubai was shut down for the first time ever to help the team execute an action scene. He said, "The toughest action to execute in Pathaan - one is on top of a moving train, one is mid-air with planes, one is in Dubai which takes place in the boulevard around

the Burj Khalifa which no Hollywood film has been able to do this. To shoot this sequence in Dubai, it just looked impossible. But the Dubai police and the authorities made it happen for us."

He adds, "My friends, who live at the Boulevard, came and told me that they got circulars saying on this day between this time, you will not be able to access the boulevard so please plan your days. And they were amazed that - oh my god... that's for my film!"

Siddharth further states, "I said I can't believe it and this wouldn't have been possible if they had not agreed to our vision and supported us wholeheartedly. So I want to thank the Dubai police and the authorities in Dubai."
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