Penn Masala, a South Asian A cappella group, performed a rendition of Shah Rukh Khan's popular song Chaiyya Chaiyya at the grand welcome ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the White House. In a video, the group, which included around 19 men - can be heard singing the song, donning a black suit. They also performed 'Jashn e Bahaaraa' from 'Jodha Akbar', the 2008 historical drama featuring Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, ahead of PM Modi's arrival. Several slogans including 'Vande Mataram', 'Bharat Mata ki Jai', and 'Modi, Modi' could be heard amid a loud cheer.

The group of South Asian students performed for the large crowd, ranging between 2000 and 3000 people, that gathered at

the South Lawns to witness the ceremonial welcome being given to Modi at the White House. The group also performed a version of British rock band Coldplay's hit track "Viva La Vida" from their 2008 album of the same name.

Modi arrived on Wednesday on the second leg of his maiden state visit to the US during which he will hold bilateral talks with President Joe Biden and address a joint session of the US Congress. 

Prime Minister Modi and President Biden will have a one-on-one meeting in the Oval Office of the White House on Thursday before holding high-level talks to further boost the growing Indo-US strategic relations in areas like defence, space and critical technologies.
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