PM Narendra Modi on Saturday morning paid tribute to legendary actor Raj Kapoor on his centenary birth anniversary on December 14, 2024. PM Modi took to his X (previously called Twitter) handle and honoured the legacy of the late actor. In the thread of his post, he even called Raj Kapoor a 'cultural ambassador', who took Indian cinema to the global stage. ''Today, we mark the 100th birth anniversary of the legendary Raj Kapoor, a visionary filmmaker, actor and the eternal showman! His genius transcended generations, leaving an indelible mark on Indian and global cinema,'' he wrote.

''Shri Raj Kapoor’s passion towards cinema began at a young age and worked hard to emerge as a pioneering storyteller. His films were a blend of artistry,

emotion and even social commentary. They reflected the aspirations and struggles of common citizens,'' he added.

Admiring Raj Kapoor's 'iconic' work and the music of his film, he further wrote, ''The iconic characters and unforgettable melodies of Raj Kapoor films continue to resonate with audiences worldwide. People admire how his works highlight diverse themes with ease and excellence. The music of his films is also extremely popular.''

''Shri Raj Kapoor was not just a filmmaker but a cultural ambassador who took Indian cinema to the global stage. Generations of filmmakers and actors can learn so much from him. I once again pay tributes to him and recall his contribution to the creative world,'' PM Modi concluded his post.
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