Popular South Indian singer Rakshita Suresh went through a harrowing time as she met with an accident on Sunday morning, May 7. The incident took place in Malaysia when her car collided with a road divider. Unfortunately, her car ended up smashing into the side of the road while she was en route to the airport. The singer, who sang in Ponniyin Selvan with AR Rahman, issued a statement on social media recalling the whole accident. She also said that 'her entire life flashed before her eyes' and she was saved just because of the airbags.
Taking to her Twitter account, Rakshita Suresh explained her
miraculous escape, writing, "Met with a major accident today. The car that I was in rammed into a divider, and smashed to the side of the road while I was heading back to the airport in Malaysia this morning. My entire life flashed infront of me during those 10 seconds of impact (sic)."
Rakshita added, "Thanks to the airbags, otherwise things would've been worse. Still shaking from whatever happened, but I'm so glad that me, the driver and the other co-passenger who was sitting in the front seat are safe with just minor external injuries and a few internal injuries. Grateful and lucky to be alive (sic)."