Actor Prakash Raj has been booked in a police station of Karnataka's Bagalkot district over a social media post, in which he allegedly mocked the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) ambitious third lunar mission-- Chandrayaan-3, police said on Tuesday. As Chandrayaan-3 is managing to script history by landing on the Moon's south pole, Prakash tweeted a picture of a cartoon depicting a man in a vest and lungi pouring tea, which he called the 'first picture coming from the Moon', subtly mocking the Vikram Lander of the Chandrayaan 3 mission. Now, a complaint has been filed over the same. 

"A complaint has been filed against actor Prakash Raj for his post on the Chandrayaan-3 mission. Hindu organisations' leaders filed a complaint against him at Banahatti police station of Bagalkote district and demanded action," ANI reported. 

In his tweet, the veteran actor shared the cartoon and wrote, "BREAKING NEWS:- First picture coming from the Moon by #VikramLander

Wowww #justasking." The post prompted criticism from users who found his remark derogatory with people saying that the Chandrayaan-3 mission is linked to the country's pride.

"The problem with Hate is, once you start hating someone then eventually your hate becomes so strong that you start hating everyone. You forgot the difference between the person, ideology and national achievement. Everything looks the same! Sad to see a talented actor behaving like this!" commented comedian Appurv Gupta. Clarifying that Chandrayaan 3 is an ISRO mission, and not associated with any political party, another user wrote, "Prakash ji, this Chandryan mission is from ISRO not BJP. If it gets succeed, it’s for India not for any party. Why you want this mission to fail? BJP is just a ruling party. It will go one day. But, ISRO will remain for years and will make us proud.  In search of truth, you’re forgetting basic nationalism. India’s failure shouldn’t be a victory. Keep ISRO aside from this political hate."
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