Renowned filmmaker Priyadarshan, who helmed the 2000 comedy-drama Hera Pheri, has announced his return as director for Hera Pheri 3. On his birthday on Thursday, he extended an invitation to franchise regulars Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty, and Paresh Rawal to reunite for the much-anticipated sequel. Akshay responded to the offer.
Replying to Akshay’s birthday wish on X, Priyadarshan posted, "Thank you so much for your wishes, Akshay. In
return, I would like to give you a gift—I’m willing to do Hera Pheri 3. Are you ready, @akshaykumar, @SunielVShetty, and @SirPareshRawal? (sic)."
Akshay, who plays one of the franchise’s lead characters, reacted enthusiastically, saying, "Sir!!! Your birthday, and I got the best gift of my life. Chalo karte hain phir thodi Hera Pheri :) @SirPareshRawal @SunielVShetty @priyadarshandir." He also shared his popular ‘Miracle Miracle’ meme.