Global icon Priyanka Chopra entered Hollywood eight years ago and she has beautifully carved a niche for herself there. Along with doing films and shows, the actress is collaborating with the biggest filmmakers and brands, making the country proud. According to the reports in Variety, PeeCee has signed a first-look television deal with Amazon. The actress also shared the same on her Instagram and was thrilled to announce it.

Priyanka wrote, "YESSSS @amazonstudios, LET’S GET IT!!! So honored and excited to finally share this news with you. ⁣⁣Looking ahead, we already have so much on our slate! Big thank you to @jsalke and her team at Amazon for being such great partners, and for sharing in the belief that talent and good content knows no boundaries. ⁣⁣   As both an actor and producer,

I have always dreamt of an open canvas of creative talent coming together from all over the world to create great content irrespective of language and geography. This has always been the DNA of my production house Purple Pebble Pictures, and is the foundation of this exciting new endeavor with Amazon."

She added, "And as a storyteller, my quest is to constantly push myself to explore new ideas that not only entertain, but most importantly, open minds and perspectives. ⁣⁣Looking back on my 20 year career, nearly 60 films later, I hope that I’m on my way to achieving that. ⁣⁣Thank you to all of you who have been a big part of my journey so far. And for those who are just getting to know me, or maybe only recognize me as Alex Parrish from Quantico, I’m excited for you to get to know me better."
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