Sadak 2, the much-anticipated film directed by veteran filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, will be heading for a digital release, producer Mukesh Bhatt has confirmed. Produced by Vishesh Films and Fox Star Studios, the movie featuring Alia Bhatt, Aditya Roy Kapur, Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt, was originally scheduled to be released in cinemas on July 10. The uncertainty around the reopening of theatres, which were shut down in the wake of coronavirus pandemic has pushed the makers to consider a digital release.


(number of COVID-19 cases) is increasing day-by-day instead of subsiding. In this situation do you think the theatres will open? And even if they do and 'Sadak 2' is released, will people go to watch it? People have to protect their families. Today, life is more important," Mukesh Bhatt told PTI.

"Sadak 2", a sequel to the 1991 film starring Pooja Bhatt and Dutt, was an ambitious project created for the big screen, but the makers will have to go ahead with the digital release to "survive", the producer said.
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