Allu Arjun's Pan India film Pushpa 2 was released in theatres on December 5. Since its release, the film has been a hit at the box office and is breaking many new records daily. But after the stampede at Hyderabad's Sandhya Theater, it seems that there is no end to the controversies surrounding Allu Arjun and his film Pushpa 2 which also features Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil. After everything said and done in the stampede case, now the makers of Pushpa 2 have deleted a song from their film. 


actor is currently embroiled in the Sandhya Theater case. For those who don't know a woman named Revathi died during the premiere of the show, after which there was a lot of uproar about it. Moreover, her 8-year-old son, who was injured in the stampede is still admitted to hospital. Now the news is coming that the makers have removed the 'Dammunte Pattukora' song online. The song created a lot of uproar due to its controversial lyrics. Netizens questioned the timing of the song's release, so the makers have now removed it from YouTube.
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