The highly anticipated sequel to the thriller film Raat Akeli Hai is set to feature Nawazuddin Siddiqui, reprising his role as Inspector Jatil Yadav, with Chitrangda Singh taking over the female lead. The film, which originally premiered on Netflix on July 31, 2020, starred Radhika Apte alongside Siddiqui.
The storyline for the sequel remains a closely guarded secret, leaving audiences curious about how it will follow the first installment. The original film centred around the mysterious murder of a newly married landlord, with a misfit cop,
portrayed by Siddiqui, navigating the complexities of the case amidst a secretive family.
In addition to her role in the Raat Akeli Hai sequel, Chitrangda Singh is set to appear in Housefull 5, which features a star-studded cast. She has previously worked with Akshay Kumar in films like Khel Khel Mein, Gabbar is Back, Desi Boyz, and Joker, and will reunite with him in this commercial entertainer.
Meanwhile, Nawazuddin Siddiqui's most recent project, Rautu Ka Raaz, a murder mystery, was released on June 28, 2024, on ZEE5.