Rahul Roy suffered a brain stroke while he was shooting for his upcoming film LAC: Live the Battle in Kargil. The actor suffered the stroke due to harsh weather conditions in Kargil. He was later admitted to Mumbai's Nanavati hospital. In a new interview, Rahul's soul sister Priyanka Roy has now revealed that his medical bill was cleared by Salman Khan after he remained in the hospital for 1.5 months. It took Rahul Roy a lot of time to recover from his brain stroke.

Rahul Roy was airlifted to Mumbai from Srinagar after his health deteriorated. He was initially admitted to Wockhardt Hospitals, where he underwent angiography of the brain and heart. The actor was later admitted to Mumbai's Nanavati Hospital.

Priyanka told Bollywood Hungama, “I want to also say thanks to Salman (Khan) because whatever bill was pending, Salman cleared it in


She also said that the LAC director had paid some money which was from Rahul’s pending remuneration. However, it wasn't enough. “He (Salman Khan) had called him (Rahul) and asked if he can help with anything and he literally helped and the bill is cleared now,” she added.

Priyanka also said, “The most beautiful thing is Salman did not speak about it in front of the media. This is called really being with a person. This touched my heart. This man is a gem. I mean I didn't ask him, I could have asked. Somebody out of the whole crowd comes and asks in reality if you are actually in trouble and that's the biggest thing. This is called you are a star. Not just being a star in front of the camera.”

Rahul added, “Salman k sath sab log boltein hai woh aisa hai, woh waisa hai (People think Salman is this and that), but for me, he is a good person."
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