Superstar Rajinikanth on Thursday took a private plane to Hyderabad to join the shoot of his upcoming film, Annaatthe. Last December, the shooting came to an abrupt stop following the break of the coronavirus on the sets of the film in Hyderabad. While four crew members tested positive for the virus, Rajinikanth had tested negative. However, the stressful situation caused
fluctuations in his blood pressure level, requiring hospitalization.
Rajinikanth will join his co-stars Nayanthara, Keerthy Suresh, Khushboo, Prakash Raj and others on the sets of Annaatthe. Written and directed by director Siva, the film is bankrolled by Sun Pictures. And if everything goes according to the plan, the film would release in theatres during the Deepavali holiday.
Do you think AAP will perform better in Delhi polls without alliance?