Actress and reality show participant Rakhi Sawant's mother Jaya Sawant passed away on Saturday after undergoing extensive treatment for brain tumour. She was admitted to Cricare Hospital in Mumbai where she breathed her last. For quite some time, Rakhi had been sharing her mother's videos from the hospital which showed her being admitted and undergoing treatment. Rakhi had urged fans to pray for her mother's speedy recovery. Unfortunately, she could not survive. 

Rakhi's mother was battling the deadly disease for the last three years. Rakhi often shared her mother's light moments on social media. She also spoke in the media

often about her mother's condition. She also shared several times that Salman Khan often helped and enquired about her ailing mother. 

In one of the videos sharaed on her Instagram handle, Rakhi said that her mother's prolonged battle with tumour was low moment in her life. She got emotional while speaking to the media persons. "I am heartbroken beyond expression. I hope no one suffers so much," Rakhi said while speaking of her then-ailing mother. 

Rakhi recently featured in Bigg Boss Marathi 4 and was one of the finalists. She also got married to Mysore-based businessman Adil Khan Durrani recently. 
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