Following the tragic loss of two young lives after the Game Changer event on December 4, Ram Charan has extended his support to the grieving families. The two fans died in a road accident on their way home after attending the event in Rajahmundry.
Deeply affected by the incident, Ram Charan extended his condolences to the families of the deceased. He immediately arranged for his team to visit the grieving families and provide support during this difficult time. In addition, the actor announced a financial contribution of Rs 5 lakh to each family.
“I am deeply saddened
by this tragic accident. We always wish for our fans to return home safely after such events, and this incident has left me heartbroken. My condolences to the families, and I pray for their strength. We will stand by them and provide all the support they need,” said Ram Charan, who has been in close touch with the families.
Producer Dil Raju also pledged his support, stating, “I just got to know that after the event. I pray that their souls rest in peace, and we will stand by and support the two families. I am immediately sending Rs 5 lakhs each and assuring them that we will stand by them.”