The Andhra Pradesh government has approved significant ticket price hikes for the big-budget film Game Changer during the Sankranti festival period. The film features a strong star cast comprising Ram Charan, SJ Suryah, and Kiara Advani.
From January 11 to 23, multiplex tickets can be priced at Rs 175 more than the usual rate, while single-screen tickets may see an increase of Rs 135. Additionally, theatres are permitted to host five shows daily during this time.
On the pivotal release
date, January 10, special permissions have been granted for a benefit show at 1:00 AM with ticket prices set at Rs 600. On the same day, six shows will be allowed starting from 4:00 AM, with ticket prices reflecting the approved festival hike.
This means ticket prices for Game Changer in Andhra Pradesh will stand at Rs 352 for multiplexes and Rs 282.50 for single screens during the first 14 days, including GST. From the 15th day onward, prices will revert to Rs 177 for multiplexes and Rs 147 for single screens.