The Superintendent of Police has been ordered by the Rampur's MP/MLA court to arrest veteran actress and politician Jaya Prada. The Superitendent of Police has been orderd to form a special team and arrest the former MP and present her in the court. According to the report in IANS, Senior prosecution officer Amarnath Tiwari said that the former MP did not reach the court on Monday for hearing even after a non-bailable warrant had been issued against her for the seventh time.

Actress and politician Jaya Prada is absconding in two cases related to violation of code of conduct. This is not the first time Jaya Prada has been caught up in the controversy. The actress last year was found guilty in connection to the old case by a court in Chennai. She was sentenced to six months in jail and a fine of Rs 5,000 was imposed. According to reports, Jaya Prada was accused of not paying the ESI money to workers of her theatre.  Reportedly, the former MP admitted to the charges and promised to clear the

long dues while also seeking dismissal of the case. However, the court refused her appeal and imposed a fine and imprisonment.

Lalitha Rani Rao popularly known as Jaya Prada has worked predominantly in Hindi and Tamil films during the '70s, '80s and early '90s. She gained recognition in the film industry after she was offered a three-minute dance number in the Telugu film Bhoomi Kosam in 1974. 

Some of her notable films in Telugu and Tamil include Adavi Ramudu, Siri Siri Muvva, Seetha Rama Vanavasam, Chanakya Chandragupta, Maa Iddari Katha, Rama Krishnulu, Challenge Ramudu, Circus Ramudu, Srivari Muchatlu, Jeevitha Khaidi, Dasavathaaram and Ramachandra Boss & Co among others. She has worked in Hindi films including  Majboor, Veerta, Farishtay, Tyagi, Lav Kush, Rajjo, Deha and Tathastu among others.

Jaya Prada has also appeared in TV shows including Indian Idol, Sasural Simar Ka, Hunarbaaz: Desh Ki Shaan and Drama Juniors 4 Telugu.
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