Ranbir Kapoor and Anil Kapoor are currently shooting for their film, Animal. Now a picture of the two actors from the sets of the film at the Pataudi Palace in Gurugram has gone viral. It shows both Ranbir and Anil in a clean-shaven looks, gearing up to pose for a group picture with their co-stars. The shot seems to be about a family posing for a picture in a garden.
The picture shows Ranbir in a full-sleeve tee and trousers, standing with a bowl in his hand. He
seems to be chatting with his co-star, who is in a blue salwar suit. Beside them, Suresh Oberoi is seen sporting white moustache, seated on a chair. Behind them, Anil Kapoor is seen in a black shirt and trousers combo, chatting with his co-stars, who are in beige and cream sarees.
Animal also stars Rashmika Mandanna and Bobby Deol. Billed as a crime drama, the film is directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, who made his Hindi directorial debut with 2019 blockbuster Kabir Singh.