Veteran actor Randhir Kapoor, who is fighting Coronavirus in the Kokilaben Ambani Hospital had confirmed that he will be selling his ancestral home in the Chembur. Reportedly, he has even bought a place in Bandra which is near Mount Mary's church to be closer to his wife Babita and daughters Karisma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan's residences. According to TOI, Randhir's new Bandra house would have been ready by now had the COVID-19 cases not surged.

Confirming that he is selling his Chembur house, Randhir said, "My parents had told me that I can stay in this (Chembur) home for as long as I want, but

the day I decide to sell it, I will have to share the sale proceeds with my siblings Rishi, Rajiv, Ritu, and Rima. That's fine as I have done well for myself in my career and also invested well".

"Rajiv largely stayed with me, he had a house in Pune but he was mostly in Mumbai. Now, I am moving near Babita, Bebo and Lolo's homes," he told TOI.

Meawhile, Randhir has tested positive for Covid-19. The veteran actor has been admitted to Kokilaben Ambani Hospital in Mumbai, following his diagnosis. Authorities at the hospital confirmed the same on Thursday saying the actor is stable.
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