Ranveer Singh will star in Tamil film Anniyan Hindi remake. The Gully Boy actor shared a picture with director Shankar Shanmugham and producer Dr Jayantilal Gada to announce the same. Shankar had written and directed the original film.
Calling it a proud moment, Ranveer wrote, "Proudly announcing my collaboration with the pioneering visionary of Indian cinema, the maverick master craftsman
SHANKAR @shanmughamshankar powered by veteran film producer Dr. Jayantilal Gada @jayantilalgadaofficial @penmovies."
S Shankar shared the same picture and expressed his happiness. He wrote, "In this moment, no one will be happier than me, bringing back the larger than life cinematic experience with @ranveersingh in the official adaptation of cult blockbuster Anniyan. @jayantilalgadaofficial @penmovies."
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