Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone's little munchkin, Dua Padukone Singh, turned three months old on December 8, 2024. To commemorate the occasion, Anju Bhavnani, Ranveer's mother donated her hair to charity as a gesture of love and hope. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Anju shared a series of pictures in which she was seen holding four braids of her donated hair with the caption, "Donated." The next photo displayed her braids cut and measured against a scale, followed by a picture of her proudly
displaying her newly trimmed hair after the donation.
After this meaningful tribute to her granddaughter's third-month birthday, Anju penned a heartfelt note. "Happy 3rd month birthday my darling Dua. Marking this special day with a gesture of love and hope. As we celebrate the joy and beauty of Dua growing up, we are also reminded of the power of goodness and kindness. Hoping that this small act might bring comfort and confidence to someone going through a difficult time,'' she wrote.