Actor Rashmika Mandanna recently provided a health update to her fans after sustaining a leg injury. The actor, who is currently juggling between film shoots, shared pictures along with a long note on social media to inform about her condition. In her post, she expressed regret over the delays caused by her injury and apologised to the directors of her ongoing film projects.
Rashmika reassured her fans that she is on the road to recovery, following medical advice to ensure a speedy return to work. She thanked her supporters for their concern and understanding during this time and emphasised her commitment to getting
back on set as soon as possible. Neena Gupta reacted to the post and commented, "Oh ho (sic)."
Her post read, "Well, happy New Year to me, I guess! Injured myself in my sacred gym shrine. Now I’m in “hop mode” for the next few weeks or months or god only knows, so it seems like I’ll be hopping my way back to sets for Thama, Sikandar, and Kubera! To my directors, I'm sorry for the delay. I’ll be back soon enough just making sure my legs are fit for action (or at least fit for hopping). In the meantime, if you need me, I’ll be the one in the corner doing a highly advanced bunny hop workout. HOP HOP HOP (sic)."