Telugu actor Ram Charan took to his Twitter on Tuesday to share that he has tested positive for COVID19. The actor had recently wrapped up the shoot of his upcoming film RRR, directed by SS Rajamouli. He had also shared adorable pictures with his love done, celebrating Christmas. In his tweet, Ram Charan stated that he is asymptomatic and hopes to recover soon.
Ram Charan tweeted, "I have tested positive for Covid-19. No Symptoms & Quarantined at home. Hope to heal soon & come out stronger." He added, "Request all that have been around me in the past couple of days to get tested. More updates on my recovery soon."
Soon after Ram Charan revealed that he has been
diagnosed with COVID19, his fans flooded the social media w8ith 'get well soon' wishes. Many fans took to Twitter to wish for the actor's speedy recovery. One fans wrote, "Get well soon! @AlwaysRamCharan Brother !! Wishing you a quick recovery and good luck to #TeamRRR." Another tweeted, "Heart breaking Bangaram ..Have a speedy recovery!!"
In the beginning of this month, Ram Charan and Jr. NTR were spotted shooting for RR in and around Mahabaleshwar. "It's time to hustle! A very short schedule in and around the beautiful locales of Mahabaleshwar with @tarak9999 & @AlwaysRamCharan is underway at a brisk pace :)," read a tweet posted on the Twitter account of the film.
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