Actor Rupali Ganguly has filed a defamation suit in the Bombay High Court against her stepdaughter in which she is seeking that the latter be restrained by a permanent injunction against putting out social media posts that defame the actor.
Advocate Sana Raees Khan on Monday told the high court bench that in 2020, when the actor’s famous television serial “Anupamaa” was to premiere, her stepdaughter, Esha Verma, put out a social media post against her. “Now this post resurfaces and Verma has been making incessant defamatory posts which are being
published, circulated, and they are nothing less than character assassination,” submitted Khan.
"This is a post of 2020. What do you mean by this has resurfaced? Has she posted it? In defamation, you will have to show if she has posted. The 2020 post talks about her father. The father has not come to court alleging defamation. In the social media post there is no reference to your client,” pointed out Justice Arif Doctor.
The bench directed Khan to elaborate on this aspect on the next date of hearing, which will be on January 13, 2025.