Actors Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor's PR manager have requested the paparazzi not to take pictures of their children, Taimur and Jahangir anywhere, whether it be at a garden where they have gone to play, or at a birthday party or at some sports center. The statement comes days after Saif was stabbed six times by an intruder at his Bandra residence on January 16.

However, it was conveyed that pictures of Kareena and Saif can be taken if they are attending any event, but their team requested the paparazzi to not stand below their residence and

click them while they are leaving or coming back to their residence.

Saif Ali Khan was stabbed nearly six times by an intruder who entered his house last week to attempt burglary. The actor fought him back and suffered deep injuries. He was rushed to the hospital and underwent multiple surgeries. The 54-year-old actor was discharged from the hospital on January 21.

On the work front, Saif Ali Khan was last seen in the Jr NTR film Devara, while Kareena appeared in the Hansal Mehta directorial, The Buckingham Murders. 
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