Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan's attacker has been sent to police custody for 5 days. The public prosecutor also said that we have to investigate whether this is an international conspiracy or not. The actor was attacked at his Mumbai residence on January 16 at 2:00 am. He was later admitted to Lilavati Hospital at 3:00 am. The actor is currently in stable. Earlier, during the surgery at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital, a piece of a knife was also removed from Saif's body. Doctors said that the actor is no longer in danger and will soon be moved from the intensive care unit to a separate room.

Kareena Kapoor and the caretaker both saw the accused's photo. However, the cops did not state if they recognized him. It will be verified whether the Chhattisgarh suspect is the accused or not following his physical examination. The investigation is also being worked on by other Mumbai Police teams in other states. The accused's method of entry into Saif's apartment has not yet been made clear by the authorities. The accused is being sought by

the police in Maharashtra and other states. 

After receiving information about a suspected attacker travelling by Gyaneshwari Express from the Mumbai Police, Durg RPF arrested him earlier today. The Mumbai Police were notified when the suspected suspect was taken to the Durg RPF post in Chhattisgarh. Sanjeev Sinha, Durg, RPF in-charge, stated that once the suspect was detained, Mumbai Police officials were called via video call; the Mumbai Police will conduct additional questioning of the suspect.

Saif Ali Khan, who is still admitted to Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital has been in the news ever since he was attacked by an intruder on Thursday midnight. After being stabbed with a knife several times, the actor reached the hospital along with his sons Taimoor and Ibrahim Ali Khan in an auto as his driver was at present at the residence at 3:00 am on January 16. Saif's family members have been spotted at the hospital. Currently, his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and sons Taimoor and Jeh have reached Lilavati. 
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