A new development has arrived in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case as Shariful Islam, the Bangladeshi man accused of attacking the actor, will be in police remand till January 29. His custody has been extended for five days by a local court in Mumbai after the cops argued that they are yet to recover important evidence regarding the incident.
Advocate Sandeep Sherkhane, representing the accused, said, "Today, the Police has come forward with the Police custody of the accused. We have objected to the length (of the custody). Already the investigation has been done regarding
the weapon and everything. It has been clearly stated in the court that the investigation related to the accused is over. Therefore, further Police custody is not required. The investigation regarding the inquiry and the CDR and other things for which the accused custody is not required which has been submitted before the Court. To that, certain point has been laid by the public prosecutor regarding the weapon recovery - how he has obtained, that has been raised. For which the Police custody has been granted. Face is not matching. The face structure is totally different from the present accused''