Saif Ali Khan's stabbing case is a hot topic right now. The Bollywood actor was attacked by an intruder at his Mumbai residence on January 17. He was later admitted to Lilavati Hospital after sustaining 6 injuries, out of which two were said to be serious. The actor is currently in ICU after undergoing multiple surgeries. On the other hand, Mumbai Police has been working relentlessly on the case to get hold of the suspected accused, who also has been identified over the CCTV footage. Now there has been a new development in the case.
The suspect was detained at Chhattisgarh's Durg by the Railway protection force over there, he was going to Bilaspur. His name is Akash Kailash Kannaujiya and he is 31 years old. A
backpack has also been found which has FastTrack written on it as per railway protection force. A similar backpack was seen in the CCTV of Saif's building and at Dadar's mobile shop Officials from RPF Durg are saying that Mumbai by night to take his custody and question him. He was travelling by Gyaneshwari Express. The information was received regarding the mobile location by Mumbai Police based on which he has been detained. According to Mumbai Police, it will be investigated whether he is the attacker or not.
Saif's wife and actor Kareena Kapoor Khan recorded her statement on Friday night. Over 15 people have been questioned by Mumbai Police in the case, this majorly includes their staff and house helps.