Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife by an intruder on Thursday night. The actor, who underwent surgery at Mumbai's Lilavati hospital has sustained six major injuries. Now in the latest development, a new fact has come to light. Not only Saif but his maid was also injured during the scuffle that took place at 2:00 am on January 16. According to India TV sources, the maid was admitted to the Lilavati Hospital. Later she was discahrged from the
Maid Leena has got an injury in her hand. This is the same maid whom Saif Ali Khan was protecting. Leena, who sleeps in Jahangir's room had spotted the accused first as he tried to enter the kid's room. She was also treated in Lilavati Hospital and after this, she also reached Bandra Police Station to record her statement. Floor polishing work has been going on at Saif Ali Khan's house for the last two or three days. Police is also interrogating the workers.