After Salman Khan’s action-packed cameo in Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan, fans are now looking forward to their much-awaited reunion in Tiger 3. Salman had earlier confirmed that he and SRK are all set to shoot for the YRF film. Now, a video of the two actors entering the sets of the film has sparked excitement on the internet. In the video, the two actors can be seen walking towards the set, with Salman sporting the Tiger avatar whereas Shah Rukh Khan can be seen in the same man bun hairstyle he had for his previous film. According to reports, the video was taken on the sets in Madh Island.

While several fans are excited about once again

watching the two megastars in action together, there are others who are skeptical about the authenticity of the video and are wondering if it’s an earlier video from Pathaan sets. But nevertheless, fans were excited to see the powerful duo together and gushed about it in the comments. One of the fans said, “Waiting for Tiger 3”.

For the unversed, the third installment of Tiger is a part of YRF Spy Universe and is the third film from the Tiger franchise after Ek Tha Tiger and Tiger Zinda Hai. Besides Salman Khan, Tiger 3 also stars Katrina Kaif as the spy and Emraan Hashmi as the villain. It is scheduled to release in theatres this Diwali.
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