Salman Khan’s Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai released on May 13. Since theatres were not an option for the Indian audience to watch this film due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the makers of Radhe made the film available to the people on ZEE5 with ZEE's pay-per-view service ZEEPlex at Rs 249 (per view) and on all leading DTH operators. However, on Saturday night, Salman Khan took to social media once again to warn people about the serious consequences of piracy. He urged his fans to not watch the film on pirated sites once again and told them that they could get into a lot of


Salman Khan took to social media to urge fans not to watch Radhe on pirated sites. “We offered you to watch our film Radhe at a reasonable price of INR 249 Per View. Inspite of that Pirated sites are streaming Radhe illegally which is a serious crime. Cyber Cell is taking action against all these illegal pirated sites. Please don’t participate in piracy or the Cyber Cell will take action against you as well. He added, “Please understand you will get into a lot of trouble with the Cyber cell (sic),” Salman Khan’s statement read. #Radhemovie and #249 have booked a spot on the Twitter trends list.
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