Vikrant Rona release date teaser has finally been released and the announcement of the same was made by none other than Salman Khan. The Hindi teaser revealing the release date of Kichcha Sudeepa starrer was shared by the Bollywood superstar on Saturday at 9.55 am. Previously, India’s biggest superstars like Chiranjeevi, Mohanlal & Simbu announced they will be unveiling the release date teaser of the highly anticipated 3D fantasy film. Taking to Instagram and sharing the video, the actor wrote in the caption, "The world will witness the glory of #VikrantRona in 3D on July 28, 2022. Looks out of the world @kichchasudeepa wishing the best to the team. #VikrantRonaJuly28."

The film will be released in 4 different languages on July 28. Well, it seems that the makers have strategically and extravagantly planned the

promotions of the mega-canvas film, it couldn’t get any bigger than roping in the superstar to announce the release date to the Hindi market.

‘Vikrant Rona’, a pan world 3D film has been one of the most anticipated films in the country. From its title launch on The Burj Khalifa to getting Jacqueline Fernandez on board and even announcing a release in over 50 countries, ‘Vikrant Rona’ has made all the right noises. 

Apart from Kichcha, the film is directed by Anup Bhandari, and also stars Jacqueline Fernandez, Nirup Bhandari and Neetha Ashok. It is presented by Zee Studios, produced by Jack Manjunath under his production Shalini Artss, and co-produced by Alankar Pandian of Invenio Origins.

The film is expected to release in Arabic, German, Russian, Mandarin, English, etc.
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