Bollywood's beloved 'Bhai', Salman Khan, recently shared his candid thoughts on his younger brother Arbaaz Khan's second marriage to celebrity makeup artist Sshura Khan. The occasion was the grand finale of the popular reality show 'Bigg Boss 17', hosted by Salman himself.

During the season finale of 'Bigg Boss 17', host Salman Khan addressed Arbaaz's second wedding with Shura Khan. The 'Tiger 3' actor playfully remarked, "Nahi ye sunte nahi hai meri. Agar sunte hote [pause] (No, he doesn’t listen to me. If he had

listened [pause])", leaving the statement hanging, but the message clear amidst the laughter of the audience.

During the episode, comedian Bharti Singh humourously questioned why she wasn't invited to the wedding, to which Arbaaz quipped that she would be on the guest list for his next one. The light banter continued with Bharti probing Salman about the advice he gave Arbaaz upon learning about his decision to remarry. Salman's response, though incomplete, was enough to suggest that his brother doesn't always heed his advice.
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