Salman Khan's niece Alizeh Agnihotri would make her film debut in Bollywood. Now, Salman Khan took to social media to announce her film titled Farrey. Along with the post, he wrote in the caption, "Main toh yeh F word ki baat kar raha tha, aapne kya socha!" The trailer begins with Alizeh's scene in which she is in the college writing exams, busy circling answers, and then states in the next scene, "A thriller that you won't expect".

Farrey is touted as a thriller film, which revolves around college-going students. The line of the film says, "What

is the mystery behind "Farrey"? It is more than just a word. It is a thrilling journey waiting to be unraveled. Dive deep into the world of Farrey and watch this gripping story unfold.

As soon as the teaser was dropped, Salman Khan fans were curious and excited about the film. One user wrote, "Best of luck team #farrey". Another wrote, 'Best of luck". Farrey is directed by Soumendra Padhi, who has also directed Jamtara. The film is presented by Salman Khan Films, Mythri Movie Makers and Athena. The film is set to release in theatres on November 24.
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