'Bigg Boss' is the most popular reality show on Indian television. Every year Salman Khan hosts the show, which runs for about three months. This year, 'Bigg Boss 18' started on October 6, 2024. This season ran on TV for three and a half months and now this season is about to get its winner. Read further to know each detail about the grand finale of the 18th edition of reality show Bigg Boss.
You will
be able to watch the 'Bigg Boss 18 Grand Finale' episode on Colors TV from 9:30 pm on Sunday. This episode will run for two and a half to three hours and the show will get its winner around 12 o'clock at night. Apart from Colors TV, you can also watch the grand finale of 'Bigg Boss 18' live on mobile apps Jio Cinema and Jio TV. Currently, 6 contestants are in the race to win this show, whoever wins this show will be given a huge amount.