Sana Khan, Bigg Boss fame and actress, on Friday surprised everyone after she announced her second pregnancy on her Instagram handle with a special video. Taking to her Instagram, she shared a video which expressing her happiness, which reads, '' With the blessings of Allah almighty, our family of three is joyfully growing to four. Alhamdullilah! A little blessing is on the way. Saiyad Tariq Jamilis excited to be a big brother. Dear Allah, we can't wait to welcome and cherish our newest blessing. Keep us in your duas. May Allah make it easy on us.''

Along with the video, she wrote, ''Alhamdullilah. Ya Allah, grant me from

Your own (power) a goodly progeny. Verily, You are the One who listens to the prayer. Oh my Allah give us from our spouses and our children comfort of eyes and make us heads of the God- fearing. Only Allah has the power to grant such a gift and reaffirms his responsiveness to sincere prayers. Bless us with a family that is not only abundant in number but also in virtue. May Allah accept our prayers and make it easy on all of us.''

For the unversed, Sana Khan married a Muslim scholar and businessman, Anas Saiyad in a Nikaah ceremony in 2020. The couple welcomed their first child, a baby boy in 2023 and named him Saiyad Tariq Jamil.
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