The latest poster of Tiger Shroff's franchise film 'Baaghi 4' has been released. The previous three parts of the Tiger Shroff starrer movie created a stir at the box office and now there is a fierce craze among the people about the fourth part. Sanjay Dutt's character and look have been revealed in the poster now, which has surprised everyone. After KGF 2 and Shamshera, the actor will once again be seen playing the role of an antagonist. 

Tiger Shroff's poster showed him sitting on the commode in the bathroom. He was covered in blood and corpses were lying around. As if he had sat down tired after

fighting with people. He also had a big knife in one hand and a bottle of alcohol in the other hand. Along with this, it was written that this time he will not be like the last time. His character will be different. At the same time, Sanjay Dutt's look has been revealed. In the poster, he is seen screaming while sitting on a chair. A girl's body is lying in his lap, whose white suit is completely red with blood. At the same time, there is blood on Sanjay's shirt and face. Seeing this scene, it seems as if he is screaming in sorrow after seeing the girl's death. 'Every lover is a villain,' can be seen written on the poster. 
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