September 7 has been etched in the hearts of Indian audiences as ‘Jawan’ day. If a Shah Rukh Khan film is set to hit the theatres, that too for the second time in a year, it is no less than a celebration and festival in itself. As expected, ‘Jawan’ emerged as the biggest opener ever for a Bollywood film and has already minted Rs 500 crore worldwide in just four days!

There is a lot that SRK experimented with in the film, the biggest of them all was shedding his romantic image completely. In fact, with ‘Jawan’, he has proved that he is not only the ‘King of Romance’ (as fans have called him for three decades), but the ‘King of Bollywood’


Imagine this – you have been working in an industry for three decades, are 57 years old and you are so good at what you do that you have become exemplary. Your reputation precedes you and you have nailed that one technique that you know will work for sure. However, now, at this stage in your career, where you and your body of work have been well-established, you decide to mix things up a little.

That’s exactly what Shah Rukh Khan is doing in ‘Jawan’. He has given several memorable performances, done myriad roles, but with ‘Jawan’, he proves that he is completely a director's actor, and can’t be boxed as a romantic hero only.
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