Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan set the screens ablaze as the superstars shared the screen in Pathaan. Salman Khan's cameo garnered all the whistles and received immense love. In the movie, the actor gave a hint that they would reunite in "Tiger 3," and it seems the time has come. After Tiger made an explosive cameo in 'Pathaan', Shah Rukh Khan too will be seen making an appearance in Salman Khan's upcoming 'Tiger 3' film.

King Khan is all set to start shooting for Salman Khan's third installment of the much-loved Tiger franchise. He'll begin filming the action thriller at the end of April, and it'll most likely take place in Mumbai. Although the details have been kept a secret, Pathaan and Tiger's reunion is unquestionably going to be larger than life.

Ians quoted a source saying, "Watch out for

Pathaan's entry in Tiger 3! As the super-spies start crossing over in each other's films, which are part of the blockbuster YRF Spy Universe, expect twists and surprises that deliver outstanding entertainment value to audiences in theatres!"

The source added, "Shah Rukh will shoot for Tiger 3 by April end and the shoot is expected to be in Mumbai. Details of this shoot is being kept completely under wraps but expect fireworks when the two super spies meet again in Tiger 3.

For the unversed, Salman told King Khan in Pathaan that he was going on an important mission, so Pathaan will meet Tiger during this mission.

Speaking of Tiger 3, the Salman Khan starrer is helmed by Maneesh Sharma. The film also stars Emraan Hashmi and Katrina Kaif in pivotal roles. It is a part of YRF's spy universe.
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