After the massive success of Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan is back on the ground, giving his all for the Rajkumar Hirani directorial Dunki. The actor recently flew to Kashmir to shoot for the next schedule of the film. King Khan and Hirani have collaborated for the first time, and their fans are eagerly waiting with bated breath to watch what they bring to screen. Several videos emerged on the Internet shortly after King Khan's arrival in Kashmir. Now, a new video has emerged online from the sets that also features his co-star Taapsee Pannu. 

The viral video features

Shah Rukh and Taapsee on the sets of Dunki. It appears from the video that the pair is filming a scene where they are shopping. SRK is spotted sporting a red jacket, while Taapsee is wearing a beige winter jacket. They may be seen strolling towards a rack with t-shirts and other items.

Aside from shooting video, a fresh image is doing the rounds on the internet. SRK is decked out in a black winter jacket and matching cargo pants in the photo. He finished off his ensemble with black sunglasses and a sleek hairdo. The star is spotted posing with hotel personnel in Kashmir.
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