Shah Rukh Khan will be returning to the big screen next year with his movie Pathaan, co-starring Deepika Padukone. On the celebratory occasion of SRK's birthday, the Bollywood badshah greeted his fans with the teaser of his much-awaited film. Taking to his social media account, the superstar dropped the video and wrote, "Apni kursi ki peti baandh lijiye…#PathaanTeaser OUT NOW! Celebrate #Pathaan with #YRF50 only at a big screen near you on 25th January, 2023. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. @deepikapadukone @TheJohnAbraham #SiddharthAnand | @yrf."

In the first teaser for Pathaan, the actor pulls in a few deadly punches as he fights goons. The actor presumably plays a spy who had undergone a risky mission and is thought to be dead, only to come

back and have a face-off with John Abraham. According to reports, the upcoming film revolves around a RAW Agent codenamed Pathaan, who takes on an ominous villain who is hell-bent on ripping apart India's security apparatus. For the actioner, SRK has undergone a massive transformation to portray the role of the titular role. 

Loaded with fast action sequences, bloodshed and SRK's charisma, Pathaan teaser has increased the anticipation and we can't wait to watch the film.  

Helmed by Siddharth Anand, the film co-starring Deepika and John Abraham is all set to hit the theatres on January 25, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. The movie, which also feature a cameo from Salman Khan, is backed by Yash Raj Films. 
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