The makers have finally unveiled the much-awaited trailer of Shahid Kapoor, Vijay Sethupathi, Kay Kay Menon and Raashii Khanna's Farzi. Helmed by the director duo Raj and DK, the series will stream exclusively on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video from February 10, 2023. Dropping the trailer, Shahid wrote, Sab Farzi hai… par yeh trailer asli hai #SabFarziHai #Farzi #FarziOnPrime, Feb 10." The trailer starts with Shahid's powerful and intense one-liner on livelihood and money which is quite relatable in our lives. 

Vijay Sethupathi is essaying the role of a badass cop while Shahid has something to do with earning a lot of money, at least what appears from the trailer video. Raashii Khanna's character is a "woman of substance" and a "proof of ardent feminism" the makers practice. Beaming with confidence, class and power, Raashii exudes headstrong, boss lady vibes in the trailer, stirring the excitement for her character.

Farzi is the next

series from the acclaimed creators of the blockbuster, 'The Family Man'. Spanning eight episodes, Farzi is a fast-paced, edgy, one-of-a-kind crime thriller, with the director duo's trademark humour, stiched around a clever underdog street artist's pursuit to con the system that favours the rich. What ensues is a thrilling cat-and-mouse race between him and the law enforcement where losing is not an option.

Talking about it, director duo Raj and DK had earlier said, "After a massively successful association with Prime Video for The Family Man, we are thrilled to return with our next new series! It's one of our favourite scripts, which we have created with a lot of passion and shot through the ups and downs of the pandemic. Basically a lot of sweat and tears have gone into making this series. After The Family Man, we challenged ourselves to come up with yet another exciting, unique world. We can't wait for everyone to watch this series that'll be out on Prime on February 10th."
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