Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films have unveiled the first poster of their upcoming action-packed thriller, Deva, starring Shahid Kapoor. The film, directed by acclaimed Malayalam filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews, is set to release on January 31, 2025, and the new poster has taken excitement to new heights.
Shahid shared the poster on Instagram with the caption, "Lock n’ Load #DEVA. See you in cinemas on 31st January 2025!
In the poster, Shahid Kapoor exudes raw charisma and power, seen smoking a cigarette with a rugged and intense expression.
Adding to the poster's appeal is the backdrop of Amitabh Bachchan from his iconic 90s era, creating a captivating blend of nostalgia and modern intensity.
The juxtaposition of Shahid's fierce look with Bachchan’s legendary aura has further heightened anticipation for the film.